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Alogliptin: Uses, Cost, and More

Brand Name: Vipidia What is Alogliptin? Alogliptin is a medication used to treat high blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It belongs…

Gouty arthritis symptoms | Gout symptoms | treatment for gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that can affect various joints in the body including the knee and foot. It is characterized by the sudden onset of intens…

Gout and Allopurinol / Gout What is gout

Other Names : Zyloric, Uricto Gout What is gout Gout is a painful condition that affects the joints, especially in the feet. It happens when uric aci…

Alendronic Acid 70mg Tablets | Alendronate

Brand names: Fosamax, Fosavance, Binosto 📌TABLE OF CONTENT Key Facts About Alendronic Acid: Dosage and strength: Alendronic Acid Side Effects: wh…


Brand names: Humira, Amgevita, Hyrimoz, Idacio, Imraldi, Yuflyma 📌TABLE OF CONTENT Adalimumab is a medicine used to treat inflammation: who can u…
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